Sunday, October 1, 2017

The Real Personal " UGLY Truth" About The Sin of Pornography-Watching...

You watch the female porn actresses commit fornication and adultery on screen with men as a way to feed into your own horrid, wicked carnal, fleshly corrupt sexual desires.

You are a COWARDLY voyeur watching other people commit the sins in the flesh you yourself might not be "physically doing" but you have NO RIGHT to have the "audacity" to look down on the pornstars YOU WATCH have sex with an ARROGANT, POMPOUS "holier-than-thou" attitude like you've done no "dirt" yourself. Yeah right...

Smh... Seeing some young 'n dumb young "girl"; can't really say "woman" with the naïveté of these manipulated, deceived young girls be "deflowered" and "defiled" by wicked grown men who know better and if they weren't bastards with daughters of their own... would never dream of some other "male" defiling their "precious princess"... It's PURE EVIL...

The real truth is... And you know it...

YOU, yes YOU are WORST than the pornstars you watch committing sexual sin!!!!!!

That's right! You are a sinful monster.

You watching other people's sin for your selfish, self-absorbed, self-centered gratification is actually a true MIRROR back to your own sexual depravity of LUST; not the "pornstars's sins. You're the scumbag.

ANYONE who watches porn cannot think of the pornstars, porn directors and all as the "scum of the earth" when THEY are the ONES who have watched porn as a result are as GUILTY if not *MORE GUILTY* than the producers of porn to begin with since have made themselves "participators in other people's sins" by *WATCHING PORN*. Period...

Taking this even further for those like myself who would want to "self-justify" watching "porn" as their "secret hidden sin" is THIS!:

Take NOTE!!!!!!:

Men, you know this...

Any guy of reasonable decency of character would NOT want his MOTHER let alone SISTER to be caught and exposed for all the world to see in a degrading hardcore porn vid where a man brutally ravages your mother or sister for all the world to see with YOU KNOWING IT, would you?!

So why would we let other men take advantage of our brothers' female kin? There is NO EXCUSE here, my comrades. NO EXCUSE...

Let alone FATHERS of decent character would NEVER to have their daughters defiled on screen for all to see when HE KNOWS IT EXISTS and he's alive and living, he would be to the point of wanting to "murder" the man or men destroying their daughters' humanity for EVERYONE TO SEE in safe, pervert privacy of their homes and dwellings...

But no, it's okay if "OTHER" guy's mothers, sisters, aunts, nieces, cousins and female family do porn, just NOT YOUR OWN FAMILY. Right? RIGHT?!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha... Real LAME EXCUSE!

I mean it's always "okay" if it's somebody else's female relative is being affected and all and we're nice and comfortable living our lives; but when something "nasty" comes back on you, the WHOLE WORLD IS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!! Huh?!

If you answered this question correctly DEEP DOWN as a MAN, you KNOW without a benefit of a doubt porn viewing is a very EVIL SIN abominable to an Almighty God!

You don't even have to open up the "Bible" to see that in plain sight; let alone some "Christian" person.

You can't justify it, O WICKED man. You just can't "justify" porn in your psyche when you confront the BRUTAL, UGLY moral reality of what porn really entails:

You as a man with some level of basic human decency would NEVER want any of your blood-related female family from mother, to sister(s), to aunts, cousins, nieces and onward to be participants in porn videos the whole world would see and judge for good and bad saying all kinds of comments from "wicked praises" to "wicked (and would be truthful) condemnations" of insults calling your female family members sluts, whores and every horrible name possible and imaginable because they are involved in a wicked business of SIN!

It's something NO ONE would be "proud" to defend in public without expecting some kind of societal reproach and shame.

You'd react in horror if you saw some random dude brutally sexually-ravaging your little sister on screen like a sex object for his evil selfish self-gratification and gain and you'd feel embarrassed and ashamed as her older brother having to *KNOW THIS* that this is *YOUR SISTER* in *YOUR LIFE* being degraded so publicly for everyone else's wicked, nasty sexual depravities and many will have nerve to call your sister "human scum" for being involved in porn not realizing to "take the mote out of their own eyes" while they act as hypocrites calling out your sister's sin for the *WHOLE WORLD* to see! You'd (hopefully) do your best to get your little sister out of that wicked mess and do your best to avenge her for YOUR HONOUR as her older brother.

You'd be like Simeon and Levi in KJV Genesis 34:25-29 of the whole chapter of KJV Genesis 34.

Yes, that's right! ALL EXPOSED!

The people involved in porn...

They are someone's sons, brothers, sisters and brothers to SOMEONE even though we don't really think about it like in everyday life and that when we're in the flesh INDULGING our filthy lusts cuz our "old man" likes that "good ol' sinful stuff", right?

You wouldn't want your loved ones to be degraded and used for the whole world to see; so why do you want to "shift" your shame and reproach away onto them when you wouldn't like "wearing those dirty shoes" yourself, would you? Here's your answer: No, you wouldn't.

I mean when it's always SOMEBODY else's people on display we can just DETACH ourselves from the people we see "performing on screen" like it's one of our "dirty little pleasures" but their actions are causing Hell for the family and friends connected in their lives... And that's the real, ugly truth nobody really wants to acknowledge.

For somebody's wicked guilty pleasure is somebody's else's personal real life HELL of PAIN being inflicted...

We don't see that.

We choose to see only what we WANT TO SEE.

I certainly didn't when I first watched porn. Now I do as I've gotten a bit older and experienced in life even though I didn't always realize it. I hate it... I hate what it makes me: a MONSTER!

Now the only thing to do is if you've watched porn, believe it or not, you should, actually YOU MUST QUIT! No "should" it's always a MUST! MUST! MUST! MUST!

Please start here for help.

Otherwise, if you continue in your porn usage that's on you for personal choice. (EVIL...)

Just know it's against God's Word if you actually care about obeying God at all (talking mainly to believers here).


Porn should be BANNED and DESTROYED in ALL IT'S UNGODLY FORMS in this world.

It's too EVIL to even call it evil: it's ABOMINATION!

If you take anything else from reading this short article it's that if you continue to watch porn for your own WICKED selfish reasons it's not going to help you but DESTROY you some way or another and also corrupt, twist and distort the natural views of the opposite sex towards men and women God intended since created the first man and woman in Genesis of His MARRIAGE principal.

As a Christian, more importantly, watching porn truly GRIEVES the HOLY GHOST dwelling inside you since He can't be present to "be associated" with your depraved sin...

Jesus ain't sitting around watching you watch your mess. He's sad, disgusted with tears running from His Eyes Knowing your SIN!

It ain't you He's angry at but your wicked, evil SIN He hates unconditionally.


Because you a "sinner" who likes to sin of course you'll probably take it personally that "God hates me" when He just hates your sin because truth is you want GOD to be "okay" with your wicked, evil sinful ways, don't you?

You want God to "pat you on the back" saying, "It's okay, I love you so it's 'okay' for you to sin"; but deep down you KNOW it's NEVER that way, don't you? Haha...

God HATES your sin as much as He LOVES sinners unconditionally: that's pretty deep than anyone could ever fathom...


You see some misguided, deceived young woman about to be deceived into getting involved with pornography you do your best as GOD GIVES YOU OPPORTUNITY to get her away from that wicked business and people as soon as possible. Amen!

Basically, please don't have a wicked critical, hypocritical, "holier-than-thou" attitude and evil heart towards the porn stars, porn directors and makers of pornography if you "watch their works" and basically "co-sign" with their evil deeds whether you agree with them by word or not by YOUR ACTIONS you legitimize their sins as YOUR OWN SIN for watching them and YOU ARE THE REAL SCUM to judge them when you gain "satisfaction" from their "business".

If you wanna "judge" just start by looking in the mirror and JUDGING YOURSELF FIRST.

We need to PRAY FOR THEM than judge them!

We're all "perverts" in this world one way or another in the Eyes of a Holy God.

Nobody is "clean" in this except *JESUS* folks.

How's that feel?

Hopefully not that good, because YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO FEEL GOOD!!!!!!!!!

You're supposed to feel HORRIBLE, absolutely HORRIBLE in godly sorrow so you GET RIGHT WITH GOD!!!!!!!

You got the lesson? I do. It's hard.

I'm preaching this in LOVE because GOD CARES and He wants the truth told fully and "undiluted".

It's time to REPENT!!!!!!!!!!

Lord Jesus Christ is eagerly willing to forgive your sins as soon as you confess them.

Then it's up to you to hold on to Him by the Holy Spirit to overcome sexual temptations of lust into pornography viewing.

It's time to honour God in our "sexual purity" of chastity from sexual activity as unmarried persons and "sexual purity" in sexual relations and intimacy of the "marriage bed" of husbands and wives.

This is the ONLY way that is acceptable with God. Amen.

~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed